When you hear heavy metal, the first thing you might think of is a bunch of rugged looking people head banging to aggressively loud rock music. While this certainly is a popular form of heavy metal, it most certainly isn’t a dangerous form of the phrase we’re talking...
Integrative medicine has been around for many years. Unlike traditional medicine, integrative medicine combines natural holistic therapies with modern advancements in both science and technology to help create a form of medicine that’s all-natural and highly...
Therapy is used to treat several kinds of malaties both in the body as well as in the mind. Physical therapy helps those suffering from both injuries and physical pain to strengthen their afflicted limbs or body parts in order to live a better, pain free life. Mental...
When it comes to healing and improved overall health, finding the perfect solution for you can be difficult, especially when it comes to cardiovascular health. There are tons of natural therapies that are marketed as quick fixes or cure alls, but in reality do little...
We’ve all been to the doctor’s office before. Oftentimes we feel like we’ll get even sicker just by sitting in the waiting room for the doctor, while others actually are worse off after visiting their traditional style doctor than they were before the visit. Painful...